Federica Poli - Short biography
Federica Poli was born in Reggio Emilia, Italy, on July 20, 1977. She received the "Laurea" degree (5-year program) in Electrical Engineering "summa cum laude" from the University of Parma in April 2002 discussing a thesis with title "Studio delle caratteristiche di amplificazione e dispersione nelle fibre ottiche a cristallo fotonico" (Study of photonic crystal fiber amplification and dispersion properties). She received Premio di Laurea "Paolo Conti" in December 2002 and "Premio Marisa Bellisario" in the section "Laureate con 110 e lode" in May 2003.
From January 2003 to January 2006 she was a Ph.D. student at the Information Engineering Department (DII) of the University of Parma, under the supervision of Prof. Stefano Selleri.
She received the Ph.D. degree in Information Technology from the University of Parma in March 2006, discussing a thesis with title "Photonic crystal fibers: design, applications and perspectives" (Fibre a cristallo fotonico: progetto, applicazioni e prospettive).
Up to 2008, she has published more than 100 papers in leading international journals and conference proceedings. She is co-author of the book "Photonic Crystal Fibers. Properties and Applications" (Springer Series in Materials Science, Vol. 102, 2007).
Since 2008, she is in charge of the course "Communication Systems Laboratory - 1st module" (Laboratorio di telecomunicazioni - I modulo), for the Master course in Telecommunications Engineering at the University of Parma.
She currently holds a post-doctorate position at the Information Engineering Department of the University of Parma. Her current research activities includes photonic crystal fibers, optical fiber amplifiers, fiber optic sensors and integrated optical components.