Major Projects

As of today, the portion of funds, related to the following (and other, not cited) projects, brought to the Department of Engineering and Architecture (since 2016) and Information Engineering (till 2016) of the University of Parma amounts to more than 6.5 MEuro.


  • 2024-2028: Filiera Italiana del Luppolo e dell’Orzo per il settore brassicolo (F.I.L.O., Italian hop and barley supply chain for the brewing sector).
    Sponsor: Ministero dell'agricoltura, della sovranità alimentare e delle foreste (MASAF). PI of the University of Parma: Prof. Tommaso Ganino. Co-PIs: Gianluigi Ferrari (IoT technologies) and Massimiliano Rinaldi, both of the University of Parma. Overall funding of the University of Parma over 1.5 M€.

  • 2024-2028: Training Future Big Data Experts for Europe (FutureData4EU).
    Sponsor: European Commission, Horizon Europe Program, HORIZON‐MSCACOFUND‐2022. Project no. 101126733. The project involves 37 partners (across 7 European countries and Canada) and is coordinated by the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, Italy. Local PI for the University of Parma: Gianluigi Ferrari.
    See the official EC project web page.

  • 2024-2027: Study and development of data collection and analysis models for the optimized management of water distribution networks.
    Sponsor: Emiliambiente SpA. PI: Gianluigi Ferrari.

  • 2024-2027: AI-based advanced simulation methods for complex systems.
    Sponsor: KOSME Srl. PI: Gianluigi Ferrari.

  • 2024-2026: PaRma TECHnopole Innovation Infrastructure (PRoTECH-II).
    Sponsor: Regione Emilia-Romagna, Bando "Emilia-Romagna Infrastrutture Tecnopoli", focus on IoT-based digitalization. PI: Prof. Eleonora Bottani (Co-PI: Gianluigi Ferrari).

  • 2024-2026: Advanced AI-based predictive maintenance solutions.
    Sponsor: COBO SpA. PI: Gianluigi Ferrari.

  • 2024-2026: Distributed Multi-Sensor systems for human safety and health (DistriMuSe).
    Sponsor: European Commission, Horizon Europe Program and Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca (MUR), HORIZON-KDT-JU-2023-2-RIA. Project no. 101139769. The project involves 52 partners (across 7 European countries) and is coordinated by the TEKNOLOGIAN TUTKIMUSKESKUS VTT OY, Finland. Local PI for the University of Parma: Gianluigi Ferrari.
    See the official EC project web page.

  • 2024-2026: Design and implementation of IoT systems with embedded intelligence.
    Sponsor: MLCommons Association. PI: Gianluigi Ferrari (University of Parma).

  • 2024-2025: "Technologies, Algorithms, and Protocols for Use Cases of Industrial Networks" (TAP-IN).
    Sponsor: Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca (MUR), through the National Restart and Resilience Plan (NRRP). The TAP-IN project is a cascade project of the Industrial Networks (IN) project, Spoke 5 "Industrial and Digital Transition Networks", project "RESearch and innovation on future Telecommunications systems and networks, to make Italy more smART" (RESTART), M4C2, Investment 1.3, Call n. 341 of 15.03.2022. Local PI for the University of Parma: Gianluigi Ferrari.

  • 2023-2025: OPtimization of Electric Vehicle Autonomy (OPEVA).
    Sponsor: European Commission, Horizon Europe Program and Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca (MUR), HORIZON-KDT-JU-2021-2-RIA. Project no. 101097267. The project involves 33 partners (across 9 European countries) and is coordinated by the PERTIMM DEVELOPPEMENT, France. Local PI for the University of Parma: Gianluigi Ferrari.
    See the official EC project web page.

  • 2022-2026: DigitAl lifelong pRevEntion (DARE).
    Sponsor: Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca (MUR), through the National Restart and Resilience Plan (Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza, PNRR), “Initiative” in Complementary Investments, Law Decree May 6, 2021, n. 59. Gianluigi Ferrari acts as PI and leader of one of the research units, focused on IoT technologies, of the University of Parma (other Engineering PIs: Stefano Cagnoni and Paolo Ciampolini).

  • 2022-2025: Data modeling for predictive maintenance applications.
    Sponsor: GlaxoSmithKline SpA. PIs: Luca Consolini and Gianluigi Ferrari (University of Parma).

  • 2022-2025: Smart Models for Agro-food Local value chain based on Digital technologies for Enabling covid-19 Resilience and Sustainability (SMALLDERS).
    Sponsor: European Commission, PRIMA Program. PI for the University of Parma: Prof. Giuseppe Vignali. Gianluigi Ferrari acts as co-PI.
    See the official PRIMA project web page.

  • 2022-2025: National Center for Agricultural Technologies (Agritech), Spoke 3: "Enabling technologies and sustainable strategies for the smart management of agricultural systems and their environmental impact."
    Sponsor: Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca (MUR), through the National Restart and Resilience Plan (Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza, PNRR). PI of Spoke 3 of the University of Parma: Prof. Tommaso Ganino. Gianluigi Ferrari acts as leader of one of the research units, focused on IoT technologies, of the University of Parma.


  • 2022-2024: GreenIoT: innovative technologies and techniques for the design and implementation of large scale and high energy efficient IoT systems.
    Sponsor: Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca (MUR), PhD scholarship on Asse IV “Istruzione e ricerca per il recupero” – Azione IV.5 – “Dottorati su tematiche Green del PON R&I 2014-2020”. Gianluigi Ferrari acts as PhD advisor and the PhD activities are carried out in collaboration with STMicroelectronics.

  • 2020-2023: Intelligent Secure Trustable Things (InSecTT).
    Sponsor: European Commission, H2020 Program and Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico (MISE), H2020-ECSEL-2019-1-IA-two-stage. Project no. 876038. The project involves 54 partners (across 12 European countries) and is coordinated by the Virtual Vehicle Research Gmbh, Graz, Austria. Local PI for the University of Parma: Gianluigi Ferrari.
    See the official EC project web page.

  • 2020-2023: Airborne DAta COllection on Resilient System Architectures (ADACORSA).
    Sponsor: European Commission, H2020 Program and Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca (MUR), H2020-ECSEL-2019-2-RIA. Project no. 876019. The project involves 48 partners (across 12 European countries) and is coordinated by the Infineon Technologies AG, Neubiberg, Germany. Local PI for the University of Parma: Gianluigi Ferrari.
    See the official EC project web page.

  • 2020-2023: Next generation smart perception sensors and distributed intelligence for proactive human monitoring in health, wellbeing, and automotive systems (NextPerception).
    Sponsor: European Commission, H2020 Program and Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca (MUR), H2020-ECSEL-2019-2-RIA. Project no. 876487. The project involves 43 partners (across 7 European countries) and is coordinated by the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd, Espoo, Finland. Local PI for the University of Parma: Gianluigi Ferrari.
    See the official EC project web page.

  • 2020-2023: Design and implementation of 5G-based vehicular communication systems.
    Sponsor: ASK Group. PI: Gianluigi Ferrari (CNIT Research Unit of Parma and University of Parma).

  • 2020-2022: Cyber-physical systems for safety in production plants with high accident risk with integration of people/objects localization technologies and distributed sensing systems (CP-SEC).
    Sponsor: Istituto Nazionale contro gli Infortuni sul Lavoro (INAIL). PI: Prof. Andrea Abrardo (University of Siena). Co-PI: Gianluigi Ferrari (University of Parma).

  • 2021-2022: Design and implementation of a smart IoT gateway.
    Sponsor: Selta. PI: Gianluigi Ferrari (CNIT Research Unit of Parma).

  • 2018-2021: IoT-based Systems for Efficient Data Collection and Processing in Smart and Sustainable Agriculture (AgrIoT).
    Sponsor: Regione Emilia-Romagna. PhD scholarship associated with the three-year regional plan for the development of high competences for research, technology transfer and entrepreneurship ("Piano triennale alte competenze per la ricerca, il trasferimento tecnologico e l'imprenditorialità"). Scientific advisor: Gianluigi Ferrari.

  • 2018-2021: Design and implementation of advanced algorithms for predictive maintenance.
    Sponsor: GlaxoSmithKline SpA. PIs: Gianluigi Ferrari and Luca Consolini (University of Parma).

  • 2018-2021: Aggregate Farming in the Cloud (AFarCloud).
    Sponsor: European Commission, H2020 Program and Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca (MUR), Call H2020-ECSEL- 2017-2-RIA-two-stage. Project no. 783221. The project involves 60 partners (across 13 European countries) and is coordinated by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Madrid, Spain. Local PI for the University of Parma: Gianluigi Ferrari.
    See the official EC project web page and the news in the University of Parma website webpage.

  • 2018-2021: Multi-interface IoT sYstems for Multi-layer Information Processing (MIoTYMIP).
    Sponsor: University of Parma, through an open call for the financial support of 3-year scholarship ("Assegno di Ricerca"). PI: Gianluigi Ferrari.

  • 2018-2021: Active audio noise cancellation.
    Sponsor: Argo Tractors. PI: Prof. Angelo Farina (University of Parma). Co-PI: Gianluigi Ferrari.

  • 2018-2021: Design and implementation of applications for 5G systems.
    Sponsor: CNIT (collaboration with Vodafone). National PI: Andrea Abrardo (CNIT research unit of Siena). Local PI: Gianluigi Ferrari (CNIT research unit of Parma).

  • 2018-2020: IoT-based smart city applications.
    Sponsor: Comune di Parma (Municipality of Parma). PI: Gianluigi Ferrari. Some of the research activities will be carried out in collaborations with the spin-off things2i.

  • 2018-2020: Outdoor/indoor localization in 5G systems.
    Sponsor: Huawei Technologies co., ltd., through the Huawei Innovation Research Program (HIRP), open call. Agreement No: HO2018085132. PI: Gianluigi Ferrari.

  • 2012-2020: Body sensor network (BSN)-based monitoring and analysis of Parkinsonians.
    Sponsor: Istituto Auxologico Italiano. PI: Gianluigi Ferrari (CNIT research unit of Parma).

  • 2016-2019: Advanced localization and tracking.
    Sponsor: Elettric80. PI: Gianluigi Ferrari.

  • 2016-2018: Design and implementation of a wireless mesh network.
    Sponsor: Reios. PI: Gianluigi Ferrari (CNIT research unit of Parma).

  • 2016-2018: Statistical Data Analysis.
    Sponsor: European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). PI: Gianluigi Ferrari (University of Parma).

  • 2016-2017: Interactive systems for car accident prevention.
    Sponsor: UnipolSai. PI: Lorella Montrasio (DISS, Centro di Sicurezza Stradale). GF acts as Co-PI (DISS).

  • 2016-2017: Advanced signal processing for automotive applications.
    Sponsor: BOSCH Service Solutions. PI: Gianluigi Ferrari (CNIT research unit of Parma).

  • 2016-2017: Security protocols for the Cloud-oriented Internet of Things (SeCIoT).
    Sponsor: Programma Galileo (Università Italo-Francese). PIs: Michele Amoretti (Università di Parma, Italy) and Andrzej Duda (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), INSTITUT POLYTECHNIQUE GRENOBLE (INP), Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA), France). GF acts as Co-PI for the Italian side.

  • 2016: Design and implementation of a telemetry system for Formula SAE UNIPR racing car.
    Project for UNIPR Racing Team. PI: Gianluigi Ferrari. No direct funding.

  • 2015-2016: Advanced signal processing for industrial applications.
    Sponsor: Salvagnini. PI: Riccardo Raheli (University of Parma). Co-PI: Gianluigi Ferrari (University of Parma).

  • 2015-2016: Statistical data analysis.
    Sponsor: European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). PI: Gianluigi Ferrari (Department of Information Engineering, University of Parma).

  • 2013-2016: Internet of Things and Future Networks.
    Research Collaboration Agreement between AT&T Security Research Center (USA) and the University of Parma. PI: Gianluigi Ferrari (University of Parma). No direct funding.

  • 2014-2015: Design and implementation of IoT systems on PLC.
    Sponsor: Bertel. PI: Luca Veltri (University of Parma). Co-PI: Gianluigi Ferrari.

  • 2013-2016: Design, development, and implementation of innovative distributed information management systems.
    Sponsor: Multitraccia. Three-year PhD scholarship. Scientific advisor: Gianluigi Ferrari.

  • 2013-2015: Design of advanced algorithms for powerline communications.
    Sponsor: Selta. PI: Riccardo Raheli (University of Parma). Co-PI: Gianluigi Ferrari.

  • 2013-2015: Communication technologies for heterogeneous wireless networks for IoT and M2M scenarios, applied to the creation of intelligent cities and innovative services for the citizens in urban environment (SMART CITY).
    Sponsor: Spinner2013 (50%) and University of Parma (50%). Three-year PhD scholarship. Scientific advisor: Gianluigi Ferrari. (Another PhD scholarship is assigned to the University of Bologna and its scientific advisor is Prof. Roberto Verdone).

  • 2013-2015: Design, development, and implementation of web-based information management system remotely accessible.
    Sponsor: Wegh Group. PI: Gianluigi Ferrari.

  • 2013-2015: Network of Excellence in Wireless COMmunications# (NEWCOM#).
    Sponsor: European Commission, Contract Number: CNECT-ICT 318306. The University of Parma (Scientific Responsible: Gianluigi Ferrari) is Type II Associate Partner. No direct funding.

  • 2014-2015: Mobile device perception Systems for SAfe Driving (MoSSAD).
    Sponsor: ASTER (Regione Emilia-Romagna). PI: Gianluigi Ferrari (Interdepartmental Research Center RFID&VIS Labs, University of Parma).

  • 2014-2015: Design and implementation of IoT/Cloud communication systems.
    Sponsor: Guglielmo. PI: Gianluigi Ferrari (Interdepartmental Research Center RFID&VIS Labs, University of Parma).

  • 2014-2015: Design and implementation of a IoT hub.
    Sponsor: Guglielmo. PI: Gianluigi Ferrari.

  • 2012-2015: Design of efficient watermarked broadcasting algorithms.
    Sponsor: industrial (undisclosed). PIs: Gianluigi Ferrari (CNIT research unit of Parma) and Andrea Abrardo (CNIT research unit of Siena).

  • 2012-2014: Design, development, and implementation of innovative UWB-based localization systems in industrial environments.
    Sponsor: Elettric 80. Three-year PhD scholarship. Scientific advisor: Gianluigi Ferrari.

  • 2013-2014: Design and implementation of APPs for geo-assisted security applications.
    Sponsor: Sicurezza Mobile. PI: Gianluigi Ferrari.

  • 2011-2014: Connect All IP-based Smart Objects! (CALIPSO).
    Sponsor: European Commission, Call FP7-ICT-2011-7, Challenge 1 ("Pervasive and Trusted Network and Service Infrastructures"), Objective ICT-2011.1.3 ("Internet-Connected Objects"), Target Outcome (a) ("An open network architecture for Internet-connected objects"). Project reference: 288879. Partecipants: Thales Communications (coordinator), Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS, technical coordinator), Disney Research Zurich, Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS), University of Parma, WorldSensing, Cisco Systems. Scientific responsible of the University of Parma: Gianluigi Ferrari.

  • 2013-2014: Design and implementation of applications for multi-interface mobile terminals for advanced wireless communications with cloud architectures.
    Sponsor: Guglielmo. PI: Gianluigi Ferrari.

  • 2013: WiCar Network.
    Sponsor: Fondazione Democenter-Sipe, related to Research project Distretto n. 11.1 "Autoveicoli e mezzi di trasporto". The involved companies are: Guglielmo (Parma, coordinator), Henesis (Parma), DQuid (Reggio Emilia), Raw Power (Reggio Emilia). Gianluigi Ferrari acts as Scientific Tutor for the network.

  • 2011-2013: Design, development, and implementation of innovative communication mechanisms in Vehicular Ad-hoc NETworks (VANETs).
    Sponsor: Guglielmo. Three-year PhD scholarship. Scientific advisor: Gianluigi Ferrari.

  • 2012-2013: Design of advanced wireless communication algorithms.
    Sponsor: Huawei Technologies. PI: Riccardo Raheli (University of Parma). Co-PI: Gianluigi Ferrari.

  • 2009-2013: Cognitive Radio and Networking for Cooperative Coexistence of Heterogeneous Wireless Networks.
    COST Action IC0902. Gianluigi Ferrari participates to the activities of WG1, WG2, and WG3.

  • 2012-2013: Efficient connectivity-based data management and synchronization.
    Sponsor: ISI. PI: Gianluigi Ferrari (CNIT research unit of Parma).

  • 2012-2013: Design and implementation of applications for multi-interface mobile terminals for advanced wireless communications.
    Sponsor: Guglielmo. PI: Gianluigi Ferrari.

  • 2012-2013: Optimized cellular communications.
    Sponsor: DQuid. PI: Gianluigi Ferrari (CNIT research unit of Parma).

  • 2012-2013: Design of a wireless (APP-based) garbage traceability control system.
    Sponsor: Regione Emilia-Romagna, through SPINNER2013 funding, and Multitraccia. Twelve-month scholarhip (assigned to Carlo Molardi, after completion of 5-year "Laurea" degree under the supervision of Stefano Selleri). Scientific tutor: Gianluigi Ferrari.

  • 2012: Geolocalized integrated web-based data management.
    Sponsor: Multitraccia. PI: Gianluigi Ferrari (CNIT research unit of Parma).

  • 2011-2012: Cross-Network Effective Traffic Alerts Dissemination (X-NETAD).
    Sponsors: Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Italy) and The Israeli Industry Center for R&D (Israel) under the "Israel-Italy Joint Innovation Program for Industrial, Scientific and Technological Cooperation in R&D." Partners: University of Parma and Guglielmo (Italy); Cellint (Israel). One-year project which received the EUREKA 'label' (Eureka Label E! 6252 - X-NETAD). PI for the Italian side: Gianluigi Ferrari.
    Coverage on Italian press: Corriere delle Comunicazioni (November 15, 2011); Il Sole24Ore Trasporti (December 5, 2011); Automazione Industriale (March 1, 2012).

  • 2010-2011: Design and implementation of a smartphone software application for automatic vertical handover between heterogeneous wireless networks.
    Sponsor: Regione Emilia-Romagna, through SPINNER2013 funding. Collaborating company: Guglielmo. Eight-month scholarhip (assigned to Giovanni Spigoni, after completion of 5-year "Laurea" degree under the supervision of Gianluigi Ferrari). Scientific tutor: Gianluigi Ferrari.

  • 2010-2011: Design and implementation of an advanced multi-hop communication protocol for Vehicular Ad-hoc NETworks (VANETs).
    Sponsor: Regione Emilia-Romagna, through SPINNER2013 funding. Collaborating company: MC INFORMATICA E TELECOMUNICAZIONI. Eight-month scholarhip (assigned to Vito Andrea Giorgio, after completion of 5-year "Laurea" degree under the supervision of Gianluigi Ferrari). Scientific tutor: Gianluigi Ferrari.

  • 2010: Réseau de senseurs visant à soutenir l'efficacité énergétique et le monitoring environmental distribué à large échelle (Energy-efficient sensor networks for large scale distributed environmental monitoring).
    Sponsor: Regione de Bruxelles-Capitale, Belgium, through "Brains (Back) to Brussels" funding. Three-month research project carried out by Gianluigi Ferrari, as Visiting Researcher, at the OPERA Department of the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium.

  • 2009-2010: Design and implementation of advanced vertical handover algorithms for HSPDA and Wi-Fi Networks.
    Sponsor: Guglielmo. PI: Gianluigi Ferrari.

  • 2009-2010: Design and implementation of a UWB Wireless Network for real-time high-precision localization of autonomous vehicles in industrial environments.
    Sponsor: Regione Emilia-Romagna, through SPINNER2013 funding. Collaborating company: Elettric80. One-year scholarhip (assigned to Stefano Busanelli, PhD student supervised by Gianluigi Ferrari). Scientific tutor: Gianluigi Ferrari.

  • 2009: Design and implementation of audio signal-based localization algorithms in wireless sensor networks.
    Sponsor: Regione Emilia-Romagna, through SPINNER2013 funding. Collaborating company: Elsag Datamat (a Finmeccanica company). One-year scholarhip (assigned to Dr. Marco Martalo', Research Associate at University of Parma). Scientific tutor: Gianluigi Ferrari.

  • 2008-2009: Design of a cluster-based architecture for vehicular ad-hoc networks.
    Sponsor: National Inter-University Consortium for Telecommunications (Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni). One-year scholarhip (assigned to Stefano Busanelli, PhD student supervised by Gianluigi Ferrari). Scientific tutor: Gianluigi Ferrari.

  • 2008-2009: Design and implementation of a simulator for STP-based networks.
    Sponsor: Selta. PI: Gianluigi Ferrari.

  • 2008-2009: Design and implementation of low-complexity in-sensor audio signal pattern detection algorithms.
    Sponsor: Elsag Datamat (a Finmeccanica company). PI: Gianluigi Ferrari.

  • 2007-2008: Design of reconfigurable sensor networks with highest energy efficiency.
    Sponsor: National Inter-University Consortium for Telecommunications (Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni). One-year scholarhip (assigned to Paolo Medagliani, PhD student supervised by Gianluigi Ferrari). Scientific tutor: Gianluigi Ferrari.

  • 2007-2008: ASEM-DUO-Thailand Fellowship for research on ad hoc wireless networking.
    Sponsor: ASEM DUO organization, Thai Ministry of Education. Faculty exchange program between University of Parma (Gianluigi Ferrari) and King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Bangkok, Thailand (Sooksan Panichpapiboon).

  • 2007: SFP+ pluggable modules and EDC integration analysis through impact of SFI channel on system performance.
    Sponsor: Cisco Systems Inc.. PI: Riccardo Raheli (University of Parma). Senior Researcher: Gianluigi Ferrari.

  • 2007: Design and implementation of a distributed wireless measurement system.
    Sponsor: Regione Emilia-Romagna, through SPINNER funding. Collaborating company: So.Ri.Ge.. Six-month scholarhip (assigned to Marco Sarti, after completion of 5-year "Laurea" degree under the supervision of Gianluigi Ferrari). Scientific tutor: Gianluigi Ferrari.

  • 2006-2007: Urban Securty Awareness System (USAS).
    Sponsor: Finmeccanica "Corporate project", coordinated by Datamat and in collaboration with Selex-Communications, Selex-Sistemi Integrati (Selex-SI), Selex-Sensors and Airborne Systems (Selex-SAS), Elsag (all Finmeccanica companies), City of Parma, and City of Reggio Emilia. Co-PIs: Gianluigi Ferrari, Alberto Broggi (University of Parma), and Giorgio Picchi (University of Parma).

  • 2006-2007: Design and implementation of an innovative terrain displacement measurement system with wireless data transmission.
    Sponsor: So.Ri.Ge.. Co-PIs: Gianluigi Ferrari and Lorella Montrasio (Department of Civil Engineering, University of Parma).

  • 2006-2007: Design and implementation of a software suite in an RFID system for detection and authentication of goods.
    Sponsor: Id-Solutions. PI: Gianluigi Ferrari.

  • 2005-2006: Innovative and low-complexity MLSE algorithms for electronic dispersion compensation in optical fiber communications.
    Sponsor: Cisco Systems Inc.. PI: Riccardo Raheli (University of Parma). Senior Researcher: Gianluigi Ferrari.

  • 2005-2006: Information systems in open technologies for management and tracing of goods (focus on performance evaluation of RFID networks).
    Sponsor: Regione Emilia-Romagna, through Laboratory TECAL ("Laboratorio Tecnologia e Impianti per l'Industria Alimentare"). Gianluigi Ferrari acts as a Researcher.

  • 2005-2006: Cooperative Remote Interconnected Measurement Systems Over Networks (CRIMSON).
    Sponsor: Italian Ministry of Information, University and Research (MIUR). Gianluigi Ferrari acts as a Researcher.

  • 2005: Mobile Business for Integrated Solutions (MoBIS).
    Sponsor: Regione Emilia-Romagna, through SPINNER funding. Two one-year scholarhips (assigned to Simone Malvassori and Bernardo Baruffini, after completion of 5-year "Laurea" degree under the supervision of Gianluigi Ferrari). Scientific tutor: Gianluigi Ferrari.

  • 2002-2003: Perpetually Available Secure Systems.
    Sponsor: US Army Research Office (ARO), under a 5-year contract (2002-2007) with Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Gianluigi Ferrari acts as research associate at CMU, working with Prof. Ozan Tonguz on ad hoc wireless networking while on leave from the University of Parma, during Fall 2002 and Summer-Fall 2003.

  • 2001-2004: Iterative detection in transmission systems subject to parametric uncertainty.
    Sponsor: University of Parma. Gianluigi Ferrari acts as young researcher.

  • 2001-2004: Multi-differential detection in transmissions affected by phase noise.
    Sponsor: University of Parma. Gianluigi Ferrari acts as young researcher.

  • 2001-2002: Young researchers project.
    Sponsor: University of Parma. Gianluigi Ferrari acts as young researcher.

  • 2000: Noncoherent iterative detection.
    Sponsor: University of Parma. Gianluigi Ferrari acts as young researcher.