
Connect All IP-based Smart Objects! (CALIPSO) - EU Project


CALIPSO builds Internet Protocol (IP) connected smart object networks, but with novel methods to attain very low power consumption, thereby providing both interoperability and long lifetimes. CALIPSO leans on the significant body of work on sensor networks to integrate radio duty cycling and data-centric mechanisms into the IPv6 stack, something that existing work has not previously done. CALIPSO works at three layers: the network, the routing, and the application layer. We also revisit architectural decisions on naming, identification, and the use of middle-boxes.

DLS - Distributed Location Service

The DLS project aims at creating a framework for building P2P applications based on the concept of Distributed Lcoation Service. A Distributed Location Service is a DHT-based system that allows a number of collaborating nodes to collectively maintain a number of mappings between an URI (identifying any resource) and a list of contacts (references) where the resource can be accessed. The DLS framework allows to build any kind of Distributed Location Service, by integrating any kind of DHT algorithm and communication protocol. It is also possible to use the DLS from P2P-unaware clients that interact with the DLS through adapter nodes, that are able to serve incoming requests from outside the DHT. The Kademlia DHT algorithm and the dSIP communication protocol are available under the current implementation.

PeeR-to-peer beyOnd FILE Sharing (PROFILES) - PRIN Project

Completed in January 2009

PROFILES (PeeR-to-peer beyOnd FILE Sharing) is a two-year italian research project partially supported by MIUR under the PRIN (Progetti di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale) funding program 2007-2008. The project addresses the study of peer-to-peer (P2P) communication systems, considering P2P as a novel communication paradigm that is changing the rules of the communication game in the Internet. P2P applications (Napster, Gnutella, Kazaa, ...) became famous (or infamous!) thanks to file-sharing and the exchange of copyrighted information. However, the key point for the success of P2P networks are cooperation and resource sharing, which make the system scalable, highly performing, dependable, and resilient. Recent P2P systems like Bit-Torrent, Split-Stream, and Skype made it clear that P2P networking can address many other applications apart from file-sharing. Eight Universities grouped in four Research Units participates in this project whose goal, besides fundamental research, is also the development of prototype sub-systems.

website is a news aggregation service based on cutting-edge technologies in order to handle high loads of data traffic. The stream of message of Twitter is used to retrieve tweets including hashtags of interest in real-time. Tweets are then stored and analyzed to extract aggregate data which are used to display the most popular and influent news articles.

Smart Display