PUBLICATIONS (Last updated: July 2024)

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Journal Papers

  1. [LSBMA_oe_23] C. Lasagni, P. Serena, A. Bononi, A. Mecozzi, and C. Antonelli, "Dependence of nonlinear interference on mode dispersion and modulation format in strongly-coupled SDM transmissions," Editor's Pick, Optics Express, vol. 31, no. 11, pp. 17122-17136, May 2023, DOI: 10.1364/OE.484302. Scopus: 2-s2.0-85163164466.
  2. [LSBA_jlt_23] C. Lasagni, P. Serena, A. Bononi, J.-C. Antona, "A Generalized Raman Scattering Model for Real-Time SNR Estimation of Multi-Band Systems," Top-scored paper, J. Lightw. Technol., vol. 41, no. 11, pp. 3407-3416, Jun 2023, Print ISSN: 0733-8724, DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2023.3250751. Scopus: 2-s2.0-85149412957
  3. [SLSCB_jlt_23] N. Sambo, C. Lasagni, P. Serena, P. Castoldi and A. Bononi, "Impact of the interplay between mode dispersion and Kerr effect in SDM optical networks," J. Lightw. Technol. vol. 41, no. 6, pp. 1603-1609, Mar. 2023, Print ISSN: 0733-8724, DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2022.3228595

  4. [BTLSA_jlt_22] A. Bononi, J. Tiburcio da Araujo, C. Lasagni, P. Serena, and J.-C. Antona, "The Constant Power Spectral Density Model for Capacity Optimization of Submarine links," invited paper, J. Lightw. Technol. vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 968--979, Feb. 2023, Print ISSN: 0733-8724, DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2022.3206535.
  5. [BSLTA_jlt_22] A. Bononi, P. Serena, C. Lasagni, J. Tiburcio da Araujo, and J.-C. Antona, "On Sparse Gain Flattening in Pump-Constrained Submarine Links," J. Lightw. Technol. vol. 40, no. 17, pp. 5854-5861, Sep. 2022, Print ISSN: 0733-8724, DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2022.3185493. Scopus: 2-s2.0-85133582937.
  6. [GLRSLLA_jlt_21] J. Girard-Jollet, M. Lonardi, P. Ramantanis, P. Serena, C. Lasagni, P. Layec, and J.-C. Antona, "Estimating network components pdl using performance statistical measurements,", J. Lightw. Technol., vol. 40, no. 16, pp. 5407–5415, Aug. 2022, Print ISSN: 0733-8724 , DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2022.3181786. Scopus: 2-s2.0-85132766487.
  7. [SLBAM_jlt_22] P. Serena, C. Lasagni, A. Bononi, C. Antonelli, and A. Mecozzi, "The Ergodic GN Model for Space-Division Multiplexing with Strong Mode Coupling," Top-scored paper, J. Lightw. Technol., vol. 40, no. 10, pp. 3263-3276, May 2022, Print ISSN: 0733-8724, DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2022.3160207. Scopus: 2-s2.0-85126723942.
  8. [BSA_jlt_21] A. Bononi, P. Serena, J.-C. Antona, "A State-Variable Approach to Submarine Links Capacity Optimization," J. Lightw. Technol., vol. 39, no. 18, pp. 5753-5765, Sep. 2021, Print ISSN: 0733-8724, DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2021.3091286. Scopus:2-s2.0-85112404557
  9. [BASCL_jlt_21] A. Bononi, J.-C. Antona, P. Serena, A. Carbo-Meseguer, and C. Lasagni, "The Generalized Droop Model for Submarine Fiber-optic Systems," invited paper, J. Lightw. Technol., vol. 39, no. 16, pp. 5248-5257, Aug. 2021, Print ISSN: 0733-8724, DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2021.3080240. Scopus: 2-s2.0-85105892551.
  10. [LSB_jlt_21] C. Lasagni, P. Serena, and A. Bononi, "Modeling Nonlinear Interference With Sparse Raman-tilt Equalization," J. Lightw. Technol., vol. 39, no. 15, pp. 4980-4989, Aug. 2021, Print ISSN: 0733-8724, DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2021.3082287. Scopus: 2-s2.0-85107209735.
  11. [SCPBA_oe_21] P. Serena, A. Carbo-Meseguer, F. Poli, A. Bononi, and J.-C. Antona, "Scaling properties of guided acoustic-wave Brillouin scattering in single-mode fibers," Opt. Express, vol. 29, no. 10, pp. 15528-15540, May 2021, DOI: 10.1364/OE.424623. Scopus: 2-s2.0-85105754473.
  12. [SLB_jlt_20] P. Serena, C. Lasagni, and A. Bononi, "The Enhanced Gaussian Noise Model extended to Polarization-dependent Loss," J. Lightw. Technol., vol. 38, no. 20, pp. 5685--5694, Oct. 2020, Print ISSN: 0733-8724, doi: 10.1109/JLT.2020.3001722. Scopus: 2-s2.0-85092598525.
  13. [BALCS_jlt_20] A. Bononi, J.-C. Antona, M. Lonardi, A. Carbo-Meseguer, and P. Serena, "The Generalized Droop Formula for Low Signal to Noise Ratio Optical Links," J. Lightw. Technol., vol. 38, no. 8, pp. 2201-2213, Apr. 2020. Print ISSN: 0733-8724, DOI:10.1109/JLT.2020.2966145. Scopus: 2-s2.0-85083314165.
  14. [SLMB_jlt_19] P. Serena, C. Lasagni, S. Musetti, and A. Bononi, "On numerical simulations of ultra-wideband long-haul optical communication systems ," invited paper, J. Lightw. Technol., vol. 38, no. 5, pp. 1019--1031, Mar. 2020. ISSN:0733-8724, DOI:10.1109/JLT.2019.2938580. Scopus: 2-s2.0-85082170870.
  15. [MSB_jlt_18] S. Musetti, P. Serena, and A. Bononi, "On the Accuracy of Split-Step Fourier Simulations for Wideband Nonlinear Optical Communications,'' J. Lightw. Technol., vol. 36, no. 23, pp. 5669-5677, Dec. 2018. ISSN: 1558-2213, DOI:10.1109/JLT.2018.2877384. Scopus: 2-s2.0-85055198029.
  16. [S_jlt_16] P. Serena, "Nonlinear Signal–Noise Interaction in Optical Links With Nonlinear Equalization ," invited paper, J. Lightw. Technol., vol. 34, no. 6, pp. 1476--1483, Mar. 2016. ISSN:0733-8724, DOI:10.1109/JLT.2016.2522092. Scopus: 2-s2.0-84963972022.
  17. [BSMP_osn_15] A. Bononi, P. Serena, A. Morea, and G. Picchi, "Regeneration Savings in Flexible Optical Networks with a New Load-aware Reach Maximization," invited paper, Opt. Switch. Netw., vol. 19, no.3 , pp. 123-124, Jan. 2016. ISSN: 1573-4277, DOI:10.1016/j.osn.2015.07.003
  18. [FCBS_jlt_15] T. Foggi, G. Colavolpe, A. Bononi, and P. Serena, "Spectral Efficiency Optimization in Flexi-Grid Long-Haul Optical Systems,'' J. Lightw. Technol., vol. 33, no. 13, pp. 2735-2742, Jul. 2015. ISSN:0733-8724, DOI:10.1109/JLT.2015.2409981
  19. [RSB_jlt_15] N. Rossi, P. Serena, and A. Bononi, "Symbol-Rate Dependence of Dominant Nonlinearity and Reach in Coherent WDM Links,'' J. Lightw. Technol., vol. 33, no. 14, pp. 3132-3143, Jul. 2015. ISSN:0733-8724, DOI:10.1109/JLT.2015.2426680
  20. [SB_jlt_15] P. Serena, and A. Bononi, "A Time-Domain Extended Gaussian Noise Model ," invited paper, J. Lightw. Technol., vol. 33, no. 7, pp. 1459--1472, Apr. 2015. ISSN:0733-8724, DOI:10.1109/JLT.2015.2398873
  21. [RSB_jlt_14] N. Rossi, P. Serena, and A. Bononi, "Stratified-Sampling Estimation of PDL-Induced Outage Probability in Nonlinear Coherent Systems," J. Lightw. Technol., vol. 32, no. 24, pp. 4303--4309, Dec. 2014. ISSN:0733-8724, DOI:10.1109/JLT.2014.2366921
  22. [RSB_ptl_14] N. Rossi, P. Serena , and A. Bononi , ``Polarization Dependent Loss Impact on Coherent Optical Systems in Presence of Fiber Nonlinearity,'' IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 334--337, Jan. 2014. ISSN: 1041-1135, DOI:10.1109/LPT.2013.2293595
  23. [BBS_oe_13] A. Bononi, O. Beucher, and P. Serena, "Single- and cross-channel nonlinear interference in the Gaussian Noise model with rectangular spectra," Opt. Express, vol. 21, no. 26, pp. 32254--32268, Dec. 2013. ISSN: 1094-4087, DOI:10.1364/OE.21.032254
  24. [SB_jlt_13] P. Serena, and A. Bononi, "An Alternative Approach to the Gaussian Noise Model and its System Implications, J. Lightw. Technol., vol. 31, no. 22, pp. 3489--3499, Nov. 2013. ISSN: 0733-8724, DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2013.2284499
  25. [BIAJKWSB_oe_13] L. Beygi, N. V. Irukulapati, E. Agrell, P. Johannisson, M. Karlsson, H. Wymeersch, P. Serena, and A. Bononi, "On nonlinearly-induced noise in single-channel optical links with digital backpropagation," Opt. Express, vol. 21, no. 22, pp. 26376--26386, Nov. 2013. ISSN: 1094-4087, DOI:10.1364/OE.21.026376.
  26. [BRS_oe_12] A. Bononi, N. Rossi, and P. Serena, "On the nonlinear threshold versus distance in long-haul highly-dispersive coherent systems, Opt. Express, vol. 20, no. 26, pp. B204--B216, Dec. 2012. ISSN: 1094-4087, DOI:10.1364/OE.20.00B204
  27. [SRB_oe_12] P. Serena, N. Rossi, and A. Bononi, "PDM-iRZ-QPSK vs. PS-QPSK at 100 Gbit/s Over Dispersion-Managed Links, Opt. Express, vol. 20, no. 7, pp. 7895--7900, Mar. 2012. ISSN: 1094-4087, DOI: 10.1364/OE.20.007895.
  28. [RSBSBMTCB_jlt_12] J. Renaudier, P. Serena, A. Bononi, M. Salsi, O. Bertran-Pardo, H. Mardoyan, P. Tran, G. Charlet, and S. Bigo, "Generation and detection of 28 Gbaud Polarization Switched-QPSK in WDM Long- Haul Transmission Systems", J. Lightw. Technol., vol. 30, no. 9, pp. 1312-1318, May 2012. ISSN: 0733-8724, DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2012.2185682.
  29. [BSRGV_oe_12] A. Bononi, P. Serena, N. Rossi, E. Grellier, and F. Vacondio, "Modeling Nonlinearity in Coherent Transmissions with Dominant Intrachannel-Four-Wave-Mixing, Opt. Express, vol. 20, no. 7, pp. 7777-7791, Mar. 2012. ISSN: 1094-4087, DOI: 10.1364/OE.20.007777.
  30. [SRBRVB_jlt_11] P. Serena, N. Rossi, O. Bertran-Pardo, J. Renaudier, A. Vannucci , and A. Bononi, "Intra- versus Inter-channel PMD in Linearly Compensated Coherent PDM-PSK Nonlinear Transmissions,'' J. Lightw. Technol., vol. 29, no. 11, pp. 1691-1700, Apr. 2011. ISSN: 0733-8724, DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2011.2144570.
  31. [SSB_ptl_11] D. Sperti, P. Serena , and A. Bononi , ``Optical Solutions to Improve PDM-QPSK Resilience against Cross-channel Nonlinearities: a Comparison,'' IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol. 23, no. 11, pp. 667-669, Jun. 2011. ISSN: 1041-1135, DOI: 10.1109/LPT.2011.2119297.
  32. [BRSB_oft_10] M. Bertolini, N. Rossi, P. Serena, and A. Bononi, "Do's and Don'ts for a Correct Nonlinear PMD Emulation in 100Gb/s PDM-QPSK Systems," Opt. Fiber Technol., vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 274-278, Oct. 2010. ISSN: 1068-5200, DOI: 10.1016/j.yofte.2010.06.001.
  33. [BSR_oft_10] A. Bononi, P. Serena, and N. Rossi, "Nonlinear signal-noise interactions in dispersion-managed links with various modulation formats," Opt. Fiber Technol., invited paper, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 73-85, March 2010. ISSN: 1068-5200, DOI: 10.1016/j.yofte.2009.11.001.
  34. [BBSB_jlt_09] A. Bononi, M. Bertolini, P. Serena, and G. Bellotti, "Cross-Phase Modulation Induced by OOK Channels on Higher-Rate DQPSK and Coherent QPSK Channels,'' J. Lightw. Technol., vol. 27, no. 18, pp. 3974-3983, Sept. 2009. ISSN: 0733-8724, DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2009.2021537.
  35. [BSRB_oe_09] M. Bertolini, P. Serena, N. Rossi, and A. Bononi, "XPM reduction in hybrid 10G/40G transmission using 10-Gb/s narrow-filtered DPSK modulation,'' Opt. Express, vol. 17, no. 8, pp. 5919-5924, Apr. 2009. ISSN: 1094-4087, DOI: 10.1364/OE.17.005919.
  36. [SRBB_jlt_09] P. Serena, N. Rossi, M. Bertolini, and A. Bononi, "Stratified Sampling Monte Carlo Algorithm for Efficient BER estimation in Long-Haul Optical Transmission Systems,'' J. Lightw. Technol., vol. 27, no. 13, pp. 2404 - 2411, July 2009. ISSN: 0733-8724, DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2008.2010560.
  37. [BSRB_ptl_08] M. Bertolini, P. Serena , N. Rossi, and A. Bononi , ``Monte Carlo Estimation of PDM-QPSK/OOK and DQPSK/OOK Hybrid Systems Tolerance against Nonlinear Effects,'' IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 15-17, Jan. 2009. ISSN: 1041-1135, DOI: 10.1109/LPT.2008.2008027.
  38. [BSB_cr_08] A. Bononi, P. Serena and M. Bertolini, "Unified Analysis of Weakly-Nonlinear Dispersion-Managed Optical Transmission Systems from Perturbative Approach,'' Comptes Rendus - Physique, invited paper, vol. 9, no. 9-10, pp. 947-962, Nov.-Dec. 2008. ISSN: 1631-0705, DOI: 10.1016/j.crhy.2008.10.017.
  39. [BSO_jlt_08] A. Bononi, P. Serena and A. Orlandini, "A Unified Design Framework for Single-Channel Dispersion-Managed Terrestrial Systems,'' J. Lightw. Technol., vol. 26, no. 22, pp. 3617-3631, Nov. 2008. ISSN: 0733-8724, DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2008.925030.
  40. [SBO_josab_07] P. Serena, A. Bononi, and A. Orlandini, ``Fundamental laws of parametric gain in periodic dispersion-managed optical links,'' OSA J. Opt. Soc. Am. B., vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 773-787, Apr. 2007. ISSN: 0740-3224, DOI: 10.1364/JOSAB.24.000773.
  41. [SOB_jlt_06] P. Serena, A. Orlandini, and A. Bononi, ``Parametric-gain approach to the analysis of single-channel DPSK/DQPSK systems with nonlinear phase noise,'' J. Lightw. Technol., vol. 24, pp. 2026-2037, May. 2006. ISSN: 0733-8724, DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2006.872686.
  42. [SBAB_jlt_05] P. Serena, A. Bononi, J.-C. Antona, and S. Bigo, ``Parametric gain in the strongly nonlinear regime and its impact on 10 Gb/s NRZ systems with forward error correction,'' J. Lightw. Technol., vol. 23, no. 8, pp. 2352-2363, Aug. 2005. ISSN: 0733-8724, DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2005.850809.
  43. [SB_ptl_02] P. Serena and A. Bononi , ``Power threshold due to parametric gain in dispersion-mapped communication systems,'' IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol. 14, no. 11, pp. 1521-1523, Nov. 2002. ISSN: 1041-1135 , DOI: 10.1109/LPT.2002.803893.
  44. [VSB_jlt_02] A. Vannucci, P. Serena, and A. Bononi , ``The RP method: a new tool for the iterative solution of the nonlinear Schroedinger equation,'' J. Lightw. Technol., vol. 20, no. 7, pp. 1102-1112, July 2002. ISSN: 0733-8724, doi: 10.1109/JLT.2002.800376.

Conference Papers

  1. [SLB_ecoc24] P. Serena, C. Lasagni, A. Bononi, "A Fast Simulator of Fiber-optic Propagation and its Application to Nonlinearity Compensation,'' in Proc. ECOC 2024, ?, Frankfurt (Germany), Sept. 2024. DOI:?
  2. [LSBMA_ecoc24] C. Lasagni, P. Serena, A. Bononi, A. Mecozzi , and C. Antonelli, "Investigation of Mode-Dependent Loss in Coupled-Core Multi-Core Fiber Transmissions with Fiber Nonlinearities,'' in Proc. ECOC 2024, ?, Frankfurt (Germany), Sept. 2024. DOI:?
  3. [RLSL_oecc24] N. Rossi, B. Lavigne, P. Serena, and C. Lasagni, "Deterministic yet stochastic approach to model PDL-impaired SNR performance of coherent optics,'' in Proc. OECC 2024, TuC5.4, Melbourne (Australia), July 2024. DOI:
  4. [LSBMA_ofc24] C. Lasagni, P. Serena, A. Bononi, A. Mecozzi , and C. Antonelli, "Effect of Modal Dispersion on the Nonlinear Interference Noise in SDM Transmissions,'' in Proc. OFC 2024, Th1H.6 (invited), San Diego (CA), Mar. 2024. DOI:10.1364/ofc.2024.th1h.6
  5. [ALRAICSLBL_ofc24] I. Andrenacci, M. Lonardi, P. Ramantanis, É. Awwad, E. Irurozki, S. Clémençon, P. Serena, C. Lasagni, S. Bigo, and P. Layec, "Machine Learning-Driven Low-Complexity Optical Power Optimization for Point-to-Point Links,'' in Proc. OFC 2024, W2A.19, San Diego (CA), Mar. 2024. DOI: 10.1364/ofc.2024.w2a.19
  6. [SLBMA_ecoc23] P. Serena, C. Lasagni, A. Bononi, A. Mecozzi , and C. Antonelli, "A pulse collision theory of inter-channel nonlinear interference in SDM links impaired by mode dispersion,'' in Proc. ECOC 2023, We.D.2.1 (invited), Glasgow (Scotland), Sept. 2023.
  7. [LSBMA_ecoc23] C. Lasagni, P. Serena, A. Bononi, A. Mecozzi , and C. Antonelli, "Impact of mode dispersion on cross-phase modulation in few-mode fiber transmissions,'' in Proc. ECOC 2023, We.D.2.2, Glasgow (Scotland), Sept. 2023.
  8. [LSBA_exat22] C. Lasagni, P. Serena, A. Bononi, J.-C. Antona, "The ergodic GN Model for SDM transmission systems,'' presetned at EXAT 2023, Japan, May 2023.
  9. [S_ofc_23] P. Serena, "Modeling of Nonlinear Distortion in ​Space-Division Multiplexing​," in Proc. OFC 2023, paper M2E.5 (tutorial), Mar. 2023. DOI: . Scopus: .

  10. [SLBBMRL_ofc_23] P. Serena, C. Lasagni, A. Bononi, F. Boitier, A. May, P. Ramantanis, and M. Lonardi, "Locating Fiber Loss Anomalies with a Receiver-side Monitoring Algorithm exploiting Cross-Phase Modulation," in Proc. OFC 2023, paper W1H.3, Mar. 2023. DOI: . Scopus: .

  11. [LSBA_ecoc22] C. Lasagni, P. Serena, A. Bononi, J.-C. Antona, "Generalized Raman Scattering Model and Its Application to Closed-Form GN Model Expressions Beyond the C+L Band,'' in Proc. ECOC 2022, Tu1D.2, Basel (Switzerland), Sept. 2022.
  12. [LSBAM_ecoc22] C. Lasagni, P. Serena, A. Bononi, C.Antonelli, A. Mecozzi, "Modulation-Format Dependent Impact of Modal Dispersion on Cross-Phase Modulation in SDM Transmission,'' in Proc. ECOC 2022, Mo4D.2, Basel (Switzerland), Sept. 2022.
  13. [ALMSSBFCMR_apc_22] C. Antonelli, C. Lasagni, A. Mecozzi, M. Shtaif, P. Serena, A. Bononi, N. Fontaine, H. Chen, M. Mazur, R. Ryf, "Modelling of propagation effects in SDM fibers,'' presented at APC 2022, SpM4I.3, Maastricht (Netherlands), Jul. 2022.
  14. [SLBAM_sum_22] P. Serena, C. Lasagni, A. Bononi, C. Antonelli, and A. Mecozzi, "The Ergodic Gaussian Noise model for the analysis of strongly coupled space division multiplexing links,'' presented at Summer Topicals 2022, TuC2.3 (Invited), Cabo San Lucas (Mexico), Jul. 2022.
  15. [BTLSA_ofc_22] A. Bononi, J. Tiburcio de Araujo, C. Lasagni, P. Serena and J.-C. Antona, "Capacity Maximization of Power-constrained Submarine Systems,'' in Proc. OFC 2022, paper M2C.3, San Diego (CA), USA, Mar. 2022.
  16. [SLSCB_ondm_22] N. Sambo, C. Lasagni, P. Serena, P. Castoldi and A. Bononi, "Impact of modal dispersion on the performance of an SDM optical network," in Proc. 26th International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modelling (ONDM 2022), Paper We3.4, Warsaw, Poland, May 2022. ISBN: 978-3-903176-44-7

  17. [LSBAM_icop_22] P. Serena, C. Lasagni, A. Bononi, C. Antonelli, and A. Mecozzi, "On the interplay between ross-phase modulation and spatial mode dispersion,'' presented at ICOP 2022, Trento (Italy), Jun. 2022.
  18. [JLRSLLA_ecoc_21] J. Girard-Jollet, M. Lonardi, P. Ramantanis, P. Serena, C. Lasagni, P. Layec, and J.-C. Antona, "Estimating network components polarization-dependent loss using performance statistical measurements," in Proc. ECOC 2021, Paper Tu1c1-5, Bordeaux, France, Sep. 2021. DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2022.3181786. Scopus: .

  19. [BASC_ecoc_21] A. Bononi, J.-C. Antona, P. Serena, J. Cho, "Pump-Constrained Capacity Maximization: to Flatten or not to Flatten?," in Proc. ECOC 2021, Paper Th1G.6, Bordeaux, France, Sep. 2021. DOI: 10.1109/ECOC52684.2021.9606085. Scopus: .

  20. [LSBA_ecoc_21] C. Lasagni, P. Serena, A. Bononi, J.-C. Antona, "Power Allocation Optimization in the Presence of Stimulated Raman Scattering," in Proc. ECOC 2021, Paper Tu1D.3, Bordeaux, France, Sep. 2021. DOI: 10.1109/ECOC52684.2021.9605979. Scopus: .

  21. [LSPRM_ecoc_21] M. Lonardi, P. Serena, P. Ramantanis, N. Rossi, and S. Musetti, "Kerr nonlinearity dominance diagnostic for polarization-dependent loss impaired optical transmissions," in Proc. ECOC 2021, Paper Tu1C1.1, Bordeaux, France, Sep. 2021. DOI: 10.1109/ECOC52684.2021.9605832. Scopus: .

  22. [SLBAM_ecoc_21] P. Serena, C. Lasagni, A. Bononi, J.-C. Antona, "A Model of the Nonlinear Interference in Space-Division Multiplexed Systems with Arbitrary Modal Dispersion," in Proc. ECOC 2021, Paper Tu2D.3, Bordeaux, France, Sep. 2021. DOI: 10.1109/ECOC52684.2021.9605937. Scopus: .

  23. [BAS_ecoc_20] A. Bononi, J. C. Antona and P. Serena, "The Generalized Droop Model for Optical Long-Haul Transmission Systems,'' in Proc. ECOC 2020, paper We2F-1, Brussels, Belgium, Dec. 2020.
  24. [CABS_oecc_20] J. Cho, J.-C. Antona, A. Bononi, and P. Serena, "Data-driven characterization of edfa in constant current operation,'' in Proc. OECC 2020, 2020.
  25. [LSB_ecoc_20] C. Lasagni, P. Serena, and A. Bononi, "Impact of sparse gain equalization in the presence of stimulated raman scattering,'' in Proc. ECOC 2020, paper We2F-4, Brussels, Belgium, Dec. 2020.
  26. [LSB_ecoc_20] A. Bononi, P. Serena, and J.-C. Antona, "Gain-shaped waterfilling is quasi-optimal for constant-pump flattened-edfa submarine links,'' in Proc. ECOC 2020, paper Tu1F-5, Brussels, Belgium, Dec. 2020.
  27. [BACS_ecoc_19] A. Bononi, J.-C. Antona, A. Carbo Meseguer, P. Serena, "A model for the generalized droop formula" in Proc. ECOC 2019, Paper W.1.D.5, Dublin, Ireland, Sep. 2019. DOI: .

  28. [LSB_ecoc_19] C. Lasagni, P. Serena, A. Bononi, "A Raman-aware enhanced GN-model to estimate the modulation format dependence of the SNR tilt in C+L band," in Proc. ECOC 2019, Paper W.1.D.2, Dublin, Ireland, Sep. 2019. DOI: .

  29. [SPB_ecoc_19] P. Serena, F. Poli, HREF="SPB_ecoc_19.pdf"> A. Bononi, "Scattering efficiency of thermally excited GAWBS in fibers for optical communications," in Proc. ECOC 2019, Paper Tu.1.C.2, Dublin, Ireland, Sep. 2019. DOI: .

  30. [SMABBJRR_ECOC_18] P. Serena, S. Musetti, S. Almonacil, S. Bigo, A. Bononi, P. Jenneve, N. Rossi, and P. Ramantanis, "The Gaussian Noise Model Extended to Polarization Dependent Loss and its Application to Outage Probability Estimation,'' in Proc. European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), paper Tu4G.4, Rome, Italy, Sep. 2018.
  31. [MSB_ECOC_17] S. Musetti, P. Serena and A. Bononi, "Constant SNR-Error Step-Size Selection Rule for Numerical Simulation of Optical Transmissions,'' in Proc. European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), paper P2.SC6.27, Gotemborg, Sweden, Sep. 2017. DOI:10.1109/ECOC.2017.8345981.
  32. [MS_Fotonica_16] S. Musetti, P. Serena, "Investigation of Phase Noise Induced by Cross Channel Nonlinear Interference,'', pp.1-4. In Proceedings of Fotonica 2016, vol. B7.7, Rome, Italy, 2016.
  33. [SB_tiwdc_15] P. Serena and A. Bononi, "On the Nonlinear Reference Phase in Regular Perturbation Models,'' in Proc. 2015 Tyrrhenian International Workshop on Digital Communications (TIWDC 2015), Firenze, Italy, Sep. 2015. DOI: 10.1109/TIWDC.2015.7323322.
  34. [FCBS_ICC_15] T. Foggi, G. Colavolpe, A. Bononi, and P. Serena, "Overcoming filtering penalties in flexi-grid long-haul optical systems,'' in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), vol. 2015, London, UK, June 2015. DOI: 10.1109/ICC.2015.7249144.
  35. [SB_ecoc_15] P. Serena and A. Bononi, "The Nonlinear Signal-Noise Interaction in Coherent Links and its Implications in System Design,'' in Proc. European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), paper We.4.6.1, Valencia, Spain, Sep./Oct. 2015. DOI: 10.1109/ECOC.2015.7342024.
  36. [Fotonica_15] M. Barozzi and P. Serena, "Lossless Polarization Attraction with Multiple Pump beams,'' in Proc. Fotonica 2015, paper P2.1, Torino, May 2015.
  37. [SB_acp_14] P. Serena, A. Bononi ``Perturbative Propagation Models for Coherent Systems,'' in Proc. Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP), paper AF1E.3, Shanghai, China, Nov. 2014. DOI:10.1364/ACPC.2014.AF1E.3
  38. [BSM_ecoc_14] A. Bononi, N. Rossi, P. Serena, ``Regenerations Savings in Coherent Optical Networks with a New Load-dependent Reach Maximization,'' in Proc. European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), paper P.5.4, Cannes, France, Sep. 2014. DOI:10.1109/ECOC.2014.6963914
  39. [SBR_ecoc_14] P. Serena, A. Bononi, N. Rossi, ``The Impact of the Modulation Dependent Nonlinear Interference Missed by the Gaussian Noise Model,'' in Proc. European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), paper Mo.4.3.1, Cannes, France, Sep. 2014. DOI:10.1109/ECOC.2014.6963960
  40. [BSPM_noc_14] A. Bononi, P. Serena, G. Picchi, A. Morea, "Load-aware Transparent Reach Maximization in Flexible Optical Networks," in Proc. 2014 19th European Conference on Networks and Optical Communications (NOC), paper s8.1, pp. 165-172, Milano, Italy, Jun. 2014. ISBN: 978-1-4799-3871-1
  41. [BRS_ecoc_13] A. Bononi, N. Rossi, P. Serena, ``Performance Dependence on Channel Baud-Rate of Coherent Single-carrier WDM Systems,'' in Proc. European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), paper Th.1.D.5. London, UK, Sep. 2013. ISBN: 9781849197595. DOI: 10.1049/cp.2013.1516. DOI: 10.1049/cp.2013.1516.
  42. [SB_ecoc_13] P. Serena, A. Bononi, ``On the Accuracy of the Gaussian Nonlinear Model for Dispersion-unmanaged Coherent Links,'' in Proc. European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), paper Th.1.D.3. London, UK, Sep. 2013. ISBN: 9781849197595.
  43. [RSB_ecoc_13] N. Rossi, P. Serena, A. Bononi, ``Stratified-Sampling Estimation of Outage Probability in Nonlinear Coherent Systems with Polarization Dependent Loss,'' in Proc. European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), paper Th.1.D.6. London, UK, Sep. 2013. ISBN: 9781849197595. DOI: 10.1049/cp.2013.1517.
  44. [RSB_fot_13] N. Rossi, P. Serena, A. Bononi, "On the Interaction of Polarization Dependent Loss with Optical Fiber Nonlinearity,'' in Proc. Fotonica 2013, paper C2.1, Milano, May 2013.
  45. [SGB_ecoc_12] P. Serena, A. Ghazisaeidi, A. Bononi, ``A New Fast and Blind Cross-Polarization Modulation Digital Compensator,'' in Proc. European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), paper We.1.A.5, Amsterdam, Holland, Sep. 2012. ISBN: 9781557529503. DOI: 10.1364/ECEOC.2012.We.1.A.5.
  46. [SBC_ecoc_12] P. Serena, A. Bononi, G. Colavolpe, ``On the Nonlinear Capacity with Memory of PS-QPSK and PDM-QPSK in WDM Non-Dispersion Managed Links,'' in Proc. European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), paper We.2.C.1, Amsterdam, Holland, Sep. 2012. ISBN: 9781557529503. DOI: 10.1364/ECEOC.2012.We.2.C.1.
  47. [BRS_ecoc_12] A. Bononi, N. Rossi, P. Serena, ``Nonlinear Threshold Decrease with Distance in 112 Gb/s PDM-QPSK Coherent Systems,'' in Proc. European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), paper We.2.C.4, Amsterdam, Holland, Sep. 2012. ISBN: 9781557529503, DOI: 10.1364/ECEOC.2012.We.2.C.4.
  48. [BGSRV_ecoc_11] A. Bononi, E. Grellier, P. Serena, N. Rossi, and F. Vacondio, ``Modeling Nonlinearity in Coherent Transmissions with Dominant Interpulse-Four-Wave-Mixing,'' in Proc. European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), paper We.7.B.4, Geneve, Switzerland, Sep. 2011. ISBN: 978-1-55752-932-9.
  49. [BRS_ofc_11] A. Bononi, N. Rossi, and P. Serena, ``Transmission Limitations due to Fiber Nonlinearity,'' in Proc. OFC 2011, paper OWO7, Los Angeles, CA, March 2011. ISBN:978-1-4577-0213-6.
  50. [BSRS_ecoc_10] A. Bononi, P. Serena, N. Rossi, and D. Sperti, ``Which is the Dominant Nonlinearity in Long-haul PDM-QPSK Coherent Transmissions?'' in Proc. European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), paper Th10E1, Torino, Italy, Sep. 2010. ISBN: 9781424485369. DOI: 10.1109/ECOC.2010.5621217.
  51. [SVB_ecoc_10] P. Serena, A. Vannucci, and A. Bononi, ``The Performance of Polarization Switched-QPSK (PS-QPSK) in Dispersion Managed WDM Transmissions,'' in Proc. European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), paper Th10E2, Torino, Italy, Sep. 2010. ISBN: 9781424485369, DOI: 10.1109/ECOC.2010.5621247.
  52. [SSB_ecoc_10] D. Sperti, P. Serena, and A. Bononi, ``A Comparison of Different Options to Improve PDM-QPSK Resilience against Cross-channel Nonlinearities,'' in Proc. European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), paper Th9A1, Torino, Italy, Sep. 2010. ISBN: 9781424485369, DOI: 10.1109/ECOC.2010.5621530.
  53. [SSVB_fot_10] D. Sperti, P. Serena, A. Vannucci, A. Bononi, "Nonlinear polarization effects in a hybrid 100Gb/s PDM-QPSK — 10Gb/s OOK System,'' in Proc. Fotonica 2010, paper A2.4, Pisa, May 2010.
  54. [BSR_leos_10] A. Bononi, P. Serena, N. Rossi, ``Nonlinear Limits in Single- and Dual-Polarization Transmission,'' in Proc. LEOS Summer Topicals 2010, Playa del Carmen, Mexico, paper TuA3.3, July 2010. DOI:10.1109/PHOSST.2010.5553716.
  55. [BSR_ecoc_09] A. Bononi, P. Serena, and N. Rossi, ``Modeling of Signal-Noise Interactions in Nonlinear Fiber Transmission with Different Modulation Formats,'' in Proc. European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), paper 10.4.6, Vienna, Austria, Sept. 2009. ISBN:978-1-4244-5096-1.
  56. [SRB_ecoc_09] P. Serena, N. Rossi, and A. Bononi, ``Nonlinear Penalty Reduction Induced by PMD in 112 Gbit/s WDM PDM-QPSK Coherent Systems,''in Proc. European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), paper 10.4.3, Vienna, Austria, Sep. 2009. ISBN: 978-1-4244-5096-1
  57. [SB_ecoc_09] P. Serena and A. Bononi, ``Nonlinear Phase Noise Mitigation by Polarization Mode Dispersion in Dispersion Managed coherent PDM-QPSK Systems,'' in Proc. European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), paper P4.12, Vienna, Austria, Sep. 2009. ISBN: 9781424450961.
  58. [BBSB_fot_09] G. Bellotti, A. Bononi, P. Serena, and M. Bertolini, "Analisi delle distorsioni indotte da XPM in sistemi ibridi DQPSK-OOK e QPSK-OOK,'' in Proc. Fotonica 2009, paper A5.3, Pisa, May 2009.
  59. [BSBB_ofc_09] M. Bertolini, P. Serena, G. Bellotti, and A. Bononi, ``On the XPM-induced distortion in DQPSK-OOK and Coherent QPSK-OOK Hybrid Systems,'' in Proc. OFC 2009, paper OTuD4, San Diego, CA, Mar. 2009. ISBN: 9781424426065.
  60. [BSRB2_ecoc_08] M. Bertolini, P. Serena, N. Rossi, and A. Bononi, "Narrow filtered DPSK: an attractive solution for hybrid systems,'' in Proc. European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), paper P.4.16, Brussels, Belgium, Sep. 2008. DOI: 10.1109/ECOC.2008.4729501.
  61. [SRBB_ecoc_08] P. Serena, N. Rossi, M. Bertolini, and A. Bononi, "A stratified sampling Monte-Carlo algorithm for efficient BER measurement and its application to DQPSK terrestrial systems,'' in Proc. European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), paper We.1.E.2, Brussels, Belgium, Sep. 2008. DOI: 10.1109/ECOC.2008.4729286.
  62. [BSRB_ecoc_08] M. Bertolini, P. Serena, N. Rossi, and A. Bononi, "Numerical Monte-Carlo comparison between coherent PDM-QPSK/OOK and incoherent DQPSK/OOK hybrid systems,'' in Proc. European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), paper P.4.15, Brussels, Belgium, Sep. 2008. DOI: 10.1109/ECOC.2008.4729502.
  63. [SOB_ecoc_07] P. Serena, A. Orlandini, and A. Bononi, ``The memory of optimized dispersion-managed periodic optical links,'' in Proc. European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), paper P093, pp. 213-214, Berlin, Germany, Sep. 2007. DOI: 10.1049/ic:20070483.
  64. [SOB_fot_07] P. Serena, A. Orlandini, and A. Bononi , ``Effetti della banda di guadagno parametrico sulle prestazioni di sistemi singolo canale DPSK a 10 Gb/s,'' in Proc. Fotonica 2007, pp. 285-288, Mantova, May 2007.
  65. [BSOR_cina_06] A. Bononi, P. Serena, A. Orlandini, and N. Rossi, "Parametric-gain approach to the analysis of DPSK dispersion-managed systems,'' in Proc. 2006 China-Italy bilateral workshop on Photonics for Communications and Sensing , Acta Photonica Sinica Ed., pp. 38-45, Xi'An, China, Oct. 2006.
  66. [SOB_ecoc_06] P. Serena, A. Orlandini, and A. Bononi, ``Scaling laws for weakly nonlinear WDM dispersion managed OOK systems,'' in Proc. European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), paper We3.P.129, pp. 379-380, Cannes, France, Sep. 2006. DOI: 10.1109/ECOC.2006.4801322.
  67. [OSB_ecoc_06] A. Orlandini, P. Serena, and A. Bononi, ``An alternative analysis of nonlinear phase noise impact on DPSK systems,'' in Proc. European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), paper Th3.2.6, pp. 145-146, Cannes, France, Sep. 2006. DOI: 10.1109/ECOC.2006.4800995.
  68. [BSAB_ofc_05] A. Bononi, P. Serena, J.-C. Antona, and S. Bigo, ``Implications of nonlinear interaction of signal and noise in low-OSNR transmission systems with FEC,'' in Proc. OFC 2005, paper OThW5, Anaheim, CA, March 2005. ISBN:1-55752-783-0, DOI:10.1109/OFC.2005.193045.
  69. [SOB_ecoc_04] P. Serena, A. Orlandini, and A. Bononi, ``A parametric gain approach to DPSK performance evaluation in presence of nonlinear phase noise", in Proc. European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Stockholm, Sweden, pp. 716-717, Sep. 2004.
  70. [BSAB_leos_04] A. Bononi, P. Serena, J.-C. Antona, and S. Bigo, ``Revisiting nonlinear interactions between signal and noise in presence of FEC,'' in Proc. LEOS 2004, Puerto Rico, vol. 1, pp. 21-22, Nov. 2004. ISBN:0-7803-8557-8, DOI:10.1109/LEOS.2004.1363090.
  71. [SABB_ecoc_03] P. Serena, J.-C. Antona, S. Bigo, and A. Bononi, ``Parametric gain impairments in 10 Gb/s coded optical systems working at low signal-to-noise ratios,'' in Proc. European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), vol. 2, pp. 296-297, Rimini, Sep. 2003.
  72. [SBBLW_fot_03] P. Serena, A. Bononi, S. Bigo, S. Lanne, K. Waksman, ``Valutazione esatta del BER per DPSK e OOK e confronto con l'approssimazione gaussiana in sistemi terrestri a 40 Gb/s,'' in Proc. Fotonica 2003 , pp. 335-338, Riva del Garda, Italy, Apr. 2003.
  73. [BBSB_ecoc_00] G. Bellotti, S. Bigo, P. Serena, and A. Bononi, ``Impact of parametric gain on 10 Gb/s dispersion-managed transmissions,'' in Proc. European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), vol. 3, pp. 213-215, Munich, Germany, Sep. 2000.

    Book Chapters

  1. [CNIT_chapter1] M. Secondini, A. Bononi, P. Poggiolini, and P. Serena, "Modeling and mitigation of nonlinear effects in optical fiber systems,'' in CNIT Tech. report, 2022 (ISBN , DOI: )
  2. [CNIT_chapter2] C. Antonelli, P. Serena , L. Palmieri , A. Carena, P. Boffi, N. Sambo, "Space-division multiplexing in multi-core and multi-mode fibers,'' in CNIT Tech. report, 2022 (ISBN , DOI: )
  3. [SH_chapter] A. Bononi, R. Dar, M. Secondini, P. Serena and P. Poggiolini, "Fiber Nonlinearity and Optical System Performance,'' in Springer Handbook of Optical Networks, Part A: Optical Subsystems for Transmission and Switching, pp. --, Springer, June 2020 (ISBN , DOI: )
  4. [SOB_iwdc_04] P.Serena, A. Orlandini, and A. Bononi, ``A parametric gain approach to performance evaluation of DPSK/DQPSK systems with nonlinear phase noise", Int. Workshop on Digital Commun. (IWDC) 2004, Pisa, Italy, Oct. 2004. Proceedings in E. Forestieri Ed., ``Optical communication theory and techniques,'' Springer, New York, pp. 129-136, 2005. ISBN 978-0-387-23136-5.


  1. P. Serena: Studio dell’interazione tra segnale e rumore nella progettazione di sistemi ottici WDM in regime non lineare. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Parma, Dept. of Information Engineering, March 2003.
  2. P. Serena: Studio teorico dell’interazione tra dispersione cromatica ed effetti non lineari nei sistemi in fibra ottica. Laurea dissertation, University of Parma, Dept. of Information Engineering, July 1999.

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